Employment Resources

  • SLATE Missouri Job Center (314) 367-5000
  • Offers direct employment connections, job transition assistance, and financial aid resources for career training
  • No-cost career readiness resources and daily workshops available upon registration
  • To enroll in services call (314) 657-3624
  • Employment Connection (314) 333-5627
  • Offers Job readiness and career training resources, as well as direct and transitional job placements
  • Resources including housing, GED/education, transportation, counseling, childcare, clothing, and vocational training available upon enrollment
  • Program accepts SNAP and TANF recipients
  • Register online here to enroll in programing
  • Connections to Success (636) 940-8027
  • Offers personal and professional development classes, career connections, men and women’s groups, mock interviews, and professional clothes
  • Locations in St. Louis and Kansas City
  • Online contact form required, staff will follow up to connect you with services after
  • Community Action Agency (314) 863-0015
  • Employment Development Program including job coaching, professional clothing, networking opportunities, and employment fairs
  • Serves young adults who meet income eligibility requirements
  • Register in person or by phone at (314) 863-0015 ext.431 Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM
  • SLATE Out-Of-School Youth ProgramYouth GED and Jobs Program (314) 657-3624
  • Program provides educational, job training, and employment services to youth, ages 16 to 24, who are St. Lous City residents and who are out-of-school or have dropped out of school
  • Program offers GED assistance, tutoring, post-secondary advising, career exploration and guidance, job shadowing, job placement, and additional supportive services
  • To enroll in services call (314) 657-3624