House Everyone STL (HESTL) is pleased to announce the availability of funds to support Emergency Winter Outreach, particularly focusing on the operation of pop-up and emergency shelters. These funds are intended to enhance our community’s response to the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness during the colder months.

Please submit your proposal electronically to

We look forward to receiving your proposals that support innovative and compassionate
solutions to meet the needs of our community this winter.

Winter Flex Funds RFP:


Winter RFP for Youth Funds for St. Louis City:

HESTL Youth Winter RFP

Winter RFP for Senior Funds for St. Louis City:

                                                                                                                              HESTL Senior Winter RFP

Winter RFP for Developmentally Disabled for St. Louis City:

HESTL Winter Funds for Developmentally Disabled RFP

Application for Winter Funding: 

Application for HESTL Winter Flex Funding 9.20.2024

Budget Template: 
